The photo series, “lost memorial”, worked with my family photographs and water. Water has many paradoxical connotations such as purifying or deconstructing. In Zoroastrianism, the Chinvat Bridge is a symbolic crossing point between the material world and the afterlife. Souls must pass over this bridge, which spans the river Vourukasha, a river of molten metal symbolizing purification. Those who led righteous lives can safely cross the bridge, while the wicked fall into the river's fiery depths.
I selected photographs from different times of my family which narrate the story of our journey and immigration to Turkey during Iran and Iraq war. In curating these images, I aimed to capture the essence of our experience, embracing the notion that our perception of the world is inevitably distorted. Our lust for revisit moments from memory often leads to a haunting realization that our attempts are bound to mere replicas, futile echoes of what once was.